Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Donald Trump doesn't understand what multilateral treaties mean, nor does he understand why the Iranian nuclear deal is actually working. And, yeah, it's embarrassing to watch as an American.

Below is a quick 3-minute overview of what the Iranian nuclear deal was designed to do. This clip came out when the multilateral treaty was signed (2015), but before it was implemented (2016).

The British government thought so much of Donald Trump's comments this week, and his rejection of the treaty, that their Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) took the time out to explain why the Iranian nuclear deal has worked in this post.

"Now This" picked up on FCO's media piece, and incorporated it into the clip below. In very simple terms, it explains why Trump is wrong, again.

And spare me the "Iran is playing geo-strategic games with Saudi Arabia in the Middle East" slapstick. The Iran treaty is about a nuclear weapons program, not a diplomacy or a "peace" treaty.

If you need the difference explained, stop reading my stuff and go work for Trump. Seriously.

- Mark

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