Saturday, October 12, 2013


The self-destruction of America has the world talking ... and it's not good (Market Watch).

Is Homeland Security preparing for the next Wall Street collapse (Truth Out)?

How Christian delusions are driving the GOP insane (AlterNet).

Tax extortion ... this is how corporate America shakes down the taxpayer (Market Watch).

'People don't fully appreciate how committed the tea party is to not compromising' (WP Blog).

30 ways the shutdown is already screwing people (Mother Jones).

What do you know, there's more. 48 ways the government shutdown will screw you over (Mother Jones).

If Obamacare is 'socialism' why are health care stock prices going through the roof (Addicting Info).

With a strange ad that attacks Obamacare, a Koch-backed group attempts to scare young women into remaining uninsured rather than enroll in the program (Salon).

Disney offers full-time positions to part-timers because of Obamacare (Bloomberg).

More people support the Affordable Care Act than those who support Obamacare ... which are the exact same thing (Jimmy Kimmel).

Understanding the history and purpose of Fox News (Addicting Info).

15 things everyone would know if there was really a liberal media bias (Addicting Info).

Taxpayer subsidies (Department of Energy loans) helped Tesla Motors, but now Elon Musk is slamming them (Mother Jones).

Watchdog group files ethics complaint against lawmaker who confronted park ranger (The Hill).

Cyber schools fleece taxpayers for phantom students and failing grades (Truth Out).

Groundbreaking report calculates damage done by fracking (Nation of Change).

- Mark

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