Wednesday, September 3, 2008


There's no doubt about it now. Sarah Palin can deliver a speech. And she appears to be in her element going on the attack. This should make the campaign fun.

However ...

Sarah Palin is a classic example of what's wrong with this country since George Bush became president.

1. She has no problem lying (about her "bridge to nowhere" flip-flop/Obama's position on energy).

2. She has no problem ignoring the real world (no word on the debt/economy/collapsed American prestige).

3. She is perfectly comfortable promoting an agenda to gain access to power (her "cult of personality" fawning over McCain fit the script, but was pathetic).
I know her script was handed to her. But that's the point. She's appears to be a natural at internalizing what's fed to her.

Then again, I could be wrong. She might actually believe what she delivered.

I don't know if America can survive another 4 years of "cult of personality" hero-worship of a president who drapes himself in the military.

Oh, I almost forgot. She also seems perfectly comfortable taking the low road to make her point. It might fly if she were writing a blog - or had a radio program :-) - but the condenscening tone about Barack Obama's community organizing shows she's not going to bring change to Washington. She could be Ann Coulter with a family.

At the end of the day, she's in this for the power.

- Mark

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