Monday, September 8, 2008


If Jeremiah Wright was fair game, so is Sarah Palin's association with the Wasilla Assembly of God. Through their leaders, the Wasilla Assembly of God tells people that curses can be intergenerational (which could explain the Cubs' drought), that cities and regions can be possessed by demonic powers (no word on whether this applies to the White House, or its occupants) and, as you will see, that cell phone annointments are possible (brought to you by Verizon?).

It appears that the rationale of Palin's church is tied to feeding a culture of fear that we've seen before, and from which many Conservatives seem to draw their sense of self.

The real zinger in this clip, however, is Sarah Palin telling the gathering that her son, who deployed to Iraq this weekend, was about to engage in a "task from God." Great, another dominionist who thinks the U.S. military is God's military. If you don't want to watch the entire clip (which seems like a "Jesus Camp, II" promo), Palin's "task from God" comment is 8:45 into this clip.

If Palin would do a little more secular research rather than stumping for a Jesus Camp, II promo she might know that the Freddie Mac abd Fannie Mae aren't publicly owned entities, as she suggests here.

No wonder Team McCain won't let her out to speak on her own - she might be Dan Quayle with lipstick.

- Mark

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