Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCAIN vs. McCAIN REGULATION CAGE MATCH ... and some more lies

From Think Progress, here's a look at McCain’s for-and-against stand on regulation since the economic meltdown began this past Monday:

- Deregulation: McCain issued a statement Monday morning saying that “we cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks.”

- Regulation: McCain’s campaign then put out an ad calling for “tougher rules on Wall Street.”

- Deregulation: On NBC’s Today Show, McCain said, “Of course, I don’t like excessive and unnecessary government regulation.”

- Regulation: Then, on CBS’s The Early Show, McCain said, “Do I believe in excess government regulation? Yes.”

- Both: On CNBC’s Squawk Box, McCain said, “We don’t want to burden average citizens with over-regulation and government bureaucracy…And I’m proud to be a Teddy Roosevelt Republican, who said, ‘unfettered capitalism leads to corruption,’ and we’ve got to fix this.”
The video of McCain’s morning show flip-flop is available on the Think Progress website here.

And what would a McCain post be without noting his daily lies? Here's McCain saying (1) oil rigs & hurricanes can peacefully co-exist, (2) the Cubans are letting the Chinese drill near the U.S. coast, and (3) oil rigs are good for fish because they're swimming around the structures. Huh? To make a long story short, all three of these assertions are lies.

A marine biologist responded to McCain's last assertion on fish & oil rigs, saying “"Just because fish are there doesn't mean the platform constitutes habitat ... That’s like taking a picture of birds on a telephone wire and saying it’s essential habitat.”

- Mark

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