Friday, August 29, 2008


Make no mistake about, John McCain's selection of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate is a direct a statement that the Democratic Party is on the right side of history.

Simply put, Obama, Hillary and the legacy of the Democratic Party have forced McCain's hand. How else do you explain McCain blasting away at Obama for his lack of experience, and then selecting someone with Palin's background? Was he "just kidding"? Give me a break.

The reality is, by picking Palin McCain is paying homage to Hillary and all of her supporters ... and like a vulture, he's trying to swoop in and capture her moment.

By picking Palin McCain is paying homage to Obama's spirit of change ... and like a jealous high school preppy, he wants to make it appear he's with "in crowd" and does what he thinks is popular.

By picking Palin McCain is paying homage to what the Democratic party has been fighting for for years ... and like the boarish party crasher who gets loud and obnoxious when they're ignored, he wants to make it appear that he's the life of the party, when he's got little more than a lampshade on his head (which, mind you, I have seen).

But there's a big difference here.

When Democrats promote we give America Barack Obama. When Democrats promote we give America Bill Richardson. When Democrats promote we give America Hillary Clinton ... people who have walked the walk ... people of substance.

When the Republicans do it, they give America Condaleeza "What 9/11 Memo?" Rice. When Republicans promote they give America Alberto "I'm Your Puppet" Gonzalez. Finally, when Republicans promote they give America Sarah "Call Me Useful" Palin.

These are people who have been promoted because of the republican culture of cronyism and political opportunism. Worse, these are people who accept their appointments, never once acknowledging that it was the Democratic Party and the "culture wars" republicans despise that created the opportunities they think they earned on their own ...

Look, this isn't the first time McCain has sought out a woman to make his life easier. And it won't be the last.

At the end of the day, Palin is a blatant attempt to piggyback on the change theme crafted by Obama. But Palin is Hillary-Lite. Hillary's supporters should see this for what it is ... Naked pandering, and blatant tokenism.

McCain is not fit to be president. And Palin? McCain should be embarrassed. But he's not. He's a republican.

- Mark

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