... People like you are the reason I quit attending college and went to a trade school. I can't stand the liberal bullshit being shoved down my throat. College is supposed to be about education and finding out who you are, but the whole system is biased due to people like you. You are ruining America.The actual e-mail is much longer, and full of good talking points. Without mentioning names (unless he calls in) I'll read the entire post this Saturday. The commentary promises to be fun.
- Mark
To the confused auther of this "Bullshit" letter:
College is not "about finding out who you are" and if you don't know who you are maybe you should spend more time around the tube with the boys drinkin' talkin' and "exploring your inner consumer" and leave the thinking, learning, and professing up to us grown adults and get back to us when you "find yourself." College is about preparing yourself for the world of work and beyond. It is the teachers' duty to train all students in the secualr arts and sciences. What is ruining America is students who do not have an appreciation for the cultivation of their own minds and subseqently, there become internationally unmarketable and end up in trade schools. If you are that sensitive to where one thing you hear from somebody you don't like causes you to quit college, maybe you do belong in trade school or maybe at your mom's house, however, my liberal education leads me to suspect that she's getting tired of your excuses too.
Fortunately college does also lead you to discover much more about yourself than you would have otherwise. But for the love of god/God/Oprah, if you are met with that much of a challenge to your set way of thinking that results in you having to leave college, then your problem does not rest in liberalism - even an intelligent conservative can disagree and come up with an argument against what a professor may teach. They don't have to run out on it. To me that shows fear of knowing the truth about things.
Thank God we still have the right to express ourselves even when it's totally insane.
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