Saturday, November 4, 2017


Russia interfered in our presidential elections. This really shouldn't be so hard to understand, or believe. The United States wrote the book on this in the 20th century. Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, and Chile in 1973 are just a few examples. We knew what we were doing when we rearranged the electoral outcomes of these societies.

What's new today is the sophistication (psychological), complexity (computers) and targets (us), as this Washington Post FB clip helps us understand.

As Trump's supporters and his his boot licking brigade fall over themselves, arguing there was no collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential campaign, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact Russia meddled in and influenced our presidential elections. Using online political propaganda, hacking, and the targeting of state election systems, Russia altered our 2016 elections. There is no dispute here.

Threatening or undermining our political system, one would think, is a national security issue. In fact, in the not so distant past, the Republican Party and their conservative base were up in arms about emails that might have been exposed to the enemy.

Here's the problem we have in America today. Since the Republicans "won" the presidency in 2016 they don't seem to care about our democracy being compromised. They don't want to see it. Worse, the people who fell for the tactics used by the Russians will never admit they were so gullible and feeble-minded as to get sucked in to the divisive and fake news cycles put out by the Russians. They don't want to hear it. So they all remain silent on the topic.

It's an old story. If I win we don't need to acknowledge any of the evils that gave me the victory. End of story. Move along ...

Therein lies our problem.

- Mark

Erratum: I "posted" this earlier today accidentally. It was a draft version, where the video didn't work and the discussion was incomplete. What can I say? It happens. :-)

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