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Adam West (a.k.a. Batman) is 86 today / Sept. 19, 2014. |
The ABCs of ISIS ... How ISIS works (NY Times).
The capitalist case for a $15 an hour minimum wage (Bloomberg).
Elizabeth Warren: The revolving door is spinning wildly in Washington (Alter Net).
Florida homeowners steamrolled as judge clears foreclosure backlog (Center for Public Integrity).
Bill aims to stop coal companies from denying benefits to miners with black lung (Center for Public Integrity).
Collectors seize wages of millions of debtors burdened by debt after 2008 meltdown (Alter Net).
Obama Derangement Syndrome: Conservatives find a way to attack President Obama for fighting Ebola (Media Matters).
School district police stock up on military surplus gear (ENews Earthlink).
Conservative Christians trying their damnedest to make America's kids wildly ignorant (Alter Net).
NRA caught handing out newsletter calling for treason and violent revolt (Democratic Underground).
I thought we banned cocaine for health reasons. Nope. Not even close (Upworthy).
Saudis lobbied John McCain and Lindsey Graham to sell war ... they dutifully get to it (Daily Kos).
War Drums: ISIA is 'rapidly developing a method of blowing up a major U.S. city,' senator (with no credibility, in my view) warns as Hagel says military must 'get ready' for action (Mail Online).
Here we go again ... Pentagon says U.S. ground troops may join Iraqis in combat against ISIS (The Guardian).
Who's paying the pro-war pundits? Shouldn't the public know about their links to Pentagon contractors (The Nation)?
House of Representatives approves President Obama's plan to arm Syrian rebels (The Guardian).
'Incredible' rate of polar ice loss alarms scientists (The Guardian).
Scientists find 'direct link' between earthquakes and fracking process used for oil and gas drilling (Think Progress).
UN scientists see largest CO2 increase in 30 years: "We are running out of time" (Nation of Change).
Louisiana governor hedges on climate change, as his state disappears into the sea (Think Progress).
President Obama may have just dealt a crushing blow to Russia's oil exploration (Business Insider).
The U.S. has been the world's sole superpower for the past 13 years - why hasn't it done anything good (The Nation)?
It's official: White residents in Red States are the biggest food stamp moochers in the country (ATTP).
- Mark
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