Tuesday, March 6, 2018


CNBC, among others, is reporting that Donald Trump was convinced by the Russians not to appoint Mitt Romney as Secretary of State because they wanted someone who wouldn't impose or enforce sanctions against Russia.

If true, and Russia did have veto power over Trump's Secretary of State pick, this represents just one in a series of acts carried out by Donald Trump that, pieced together, represent a seriously compromised president whose actions border on treason. For those of you keeping score at home, in addition to taking a pass on Mitt Romney because the Russians didn't want him, this means Trump has:

(1) Put Putin's word over what our national security agencies have found.  
(2) Left Russian election threats unchecked, even failing to spend $120 million allocated for investigating Russia. 
(3) Failed to impose congressionally authorized sanctions against Russia for meddling in U.S. elections. 
(4) Fired or dismissed key FBI and law enforcement personnel looking into Russia,
(5) Attacked the FBI's integrity. 
(6) Done absolutely nothing since Vladimir Putin taunted the U.S. by releasing a video of Russian missiles striking Florida. 
(7) Stood by and even joked about Putin expelling U.S. diplomats after Congress voted to impose sanctions on Russia. 

So, my question is, "Who does Vladimir Putin need to have 'whacked' in Congress before Republicans take either Trump's compromised position or the Russian threat seriously"?

- Mark

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