Sunday, January 14, 2018


The Atlantic has an interesting essay on the rolling disaster that is Donald Trump. After discussing a typical Trump day of lies, embarrassments, and general buffoonery, the piece by David Graham makes one unavoidable conclusion: no one's going to save us; we're stuck with Donald Trump.

Graham writes:

The 25th Amendment remains a chimerical possibility, unlikely to be invoked even by the aides who disdain Trump ....
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation continues to pose a serious danger to the president, but all indications (Trump’s attorneys notwithstanding) are that Mueller is working at a deliberate pace, and is unlikely to wrap his probe up any time soon. He has yet to allege any criminal behavior on the part of the president, and even if he does, there would be a fight over whether the president could be indicted ...
What about impeachment? There are no serious articles of impeachment on the table at the moment, and even if there were, they would not pass the Republican-controlled House. Democrats stand a decent chance at gaining control of the chamber in November (and every week like this from Trump shortens those odds), but even if they did and managed to impeach Trump, that doesn’t mean they could obtain the two-thirds of the votes necessary for a conviction in the Senate ...

The depressing litany of Trump's missteps and babbling incoherence is worth the read alone. You can read the entire article by clicking here.

- Mark

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