Monday, February 27, 2017


You can place what follows below in the "It's the 21st century and I can't believe we're still dealing with this crap" category ... 

Whether history rhymes, as Mark Twain told us, or repeats itself as "tragedy" and "farce" (as Karl Marx suggested) one thing is clear: under the Trump administration the United States is taking a giant civil liberties step back in time, and embracing some of history's worst mistakes. 


From Virginia to Washington Republican state legislators have introduced legislation that would penalize mass protests. These bills have been introduced in 18 states, and would increase punishment for protest activities like blocking freeways, wearing masks, and even lead to asset seizure for those who participate in a demonstration. 

With Republicans trying to criminalize the freedom to assemble and protest across the nation, the Independent ran the following headline:
Republicans vote to give police powers to arrest people planning peaceful protests: 'Wouldn't you rather stop a riot before it starts?' asks senator.

If you think you've heard this argument before it's because you have. In the past it's been used to snuff out uncomfortable truths, and protect the status quo, under the guise of public security. In reality it's all about not having to deal with the spirit of the Constitution, your political opponents, or reality. 



Over 50 years ago (March 16, 1966) Robert F. Kennedy addressed the issue right here in Kern County, California. This happened after county sheriff Leroy Galyen began arresting peaceful strikers in the small farming town of Delano. 


The 1966 Kennedy-Galyen exchange is a classic moment in civil rights history, and a lesson for Republican legislators today ...



Stay tuned. In Trump's America this is not going away. 

- Mark

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