Monday, February 27, 2017


Win Eaton is one of the top immigration attorneys on the west coast, with offices in Salem, Oregon, and here in Fresno and Bakersfield, the breadbasket of California's San Joaquin Valley. He is also currently participating in our Immigration Justice Collaborative series, which disseminates legal information to our undocumented populations throughout Kern County.

The following immigration updates are from the law offices of Win Eaton & Associates ...

1.    A leaked DRAFT of an intelligence report finds that citizens from seven countries that are included in President Donald Trump’s immigration ban do not pose a likely terrorism threat. The report was “incomplete,” the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Friday.
2.    Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, launched a Judiciary Committee investigation Thursday into Sally Yates, accusing the then-acting U.S. attorney general of sabotaging President Donald Trump's immigration ban by ordering government lawyers to not defend it.
3.    One county in California’s Silicon Valley has asked a CA Federal District Court to issue a nationwide injunction that would block President Donald Trump’s executive order to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities. The county said it could deprive them of $1.7 billion in funding.
4.    Court filings challenging the detention of noncitizens have steadily increased in recent months. There have apparently been 24 percent more cases filed in January 2017 compared to December 2016 and nearly 58 percent more when compared to the previous year. The study was conducted by a data organization based at Syracuse University.
5.    The Trump administration on Friday asked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal to completely “pause” the government’s appeal over the U.S. president’s immigration ban against travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. The government said there is “no need at this time” for additional briefing.
6.    Construction of the planned wall along the U.S. border with Mexico will start soon, with the project “way ahead" of schedule, President Donald Trump said Friday, the day after House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mike McCaul suggested that the scope of the project should be scaled back.
7.    Flanked by some of the nation’s top manufacturing executives, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday directing federal agencies to create task forces to identify burdensome regulations ready for the chopping block, promising the end of “an impossible situation” for U.S. companies and new economic growth.
8.      A fake attorney in Los Angeles has been sentenced to more than five years in prison after acknowledging that he posed as an immigration attorney and provided legal consultations and services without any bar association accreditation. The announcement came from the California Attorney General’s Office. 

One thing is clear. None of this is making America great again.

Not even close.

- Mark

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