Wednesday, July 23, 2014


In spite of being the least productive Congress in recent history Speaker John Boehner and his "Do Nothing" Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives want to impeach and sue President Obama. They claim he has abused his authority and become a dictator, as he issues one executive order after another.

In their eyes, he's become Obama the Hun ... a tyrant of the highest order.

Here's the problem with the GOP's "Obama-the-Tyrant" claim. President Obama is on pace to issue fewer executive orders than any president since Benjamin Harrison (and maybe even Grover Cleveland).

To date, President Obama has issued 182 executive orders, which is far below the pace set by Presidents George W. Bush (291), Bill Clinton (364), and Ronald Reagan (381).

Here's another problem with the Far Rights "Obama-the-Tyrant" claim. The people yelling the loudest wouldn't have a voice to make any of their crazy talk claims if President Obama were a real tyrant.

Then again, as historical and political illiterates, these people don't have a clue what any of this means. Sigh ...

- Mark

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