Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Microsoft lays off thousands with seriously bad memo (New York Magazine).

3-year-old spends almost every day with his 89-year-old WWII veteran best friend (Huffington Post).

The world is finally catching on to the Fed's failures (Zero Hedge)?

Child migrants have been coming to America alone since Ellis Island (Nation of Change).

'The Ideal Head': Bizarre racial teachings from a 1906 textbook (The Atlantic).

The 50 greatest Saturday Night Live sketches of all time (Rolling Stone).

10 disturbing facts about one of Latin America's cruelest dictators (Listverse).

10 tales of how countries got their names (Listverse).

Five states gunning to make their kids as scientifically illiterate as possible by teaching creationism (Truth Out).

U.S. empire reaches breaking point, time to end it (Nation of Change)?

And exceptional decline for an exceptional country (Nation of Change).

Creationist Ken Ham says we should end the space program because aliens are going to hell anyways (The Raw Story).

Confused TSA agent rejects District of Columbia ID, demands to see U.S. passport (Huffington Post).

Right-wing youth leader threatens his 'gay' dog on Facebook: 'Don't challenge my principles' (The Raw Story).

Idiot congressional staffer brings gun to Congress (Nation of Change).

Greenpeace loses millions after idiot 'senior' employee bets (it's not investing) on currency markets ... gets fired too (Nation of Change).

The rise of the non-working rich (Robert Reich).

The limits of corporate citizenship: Why Walgreen shouldn't be allowed to influence U.S. politics if it becomes Swiss (Robert Reich).

Freedom, power, and the conservative mind (Robert Reich).

CO2 emissions have reached historic levels as temperatures and sea levels continue to climb (Daily Mail).

Goodbye, Miami ... But long before the city is completely under water, chaos will begin (Rolling Stone).

Global warmings terrible new math: Three simple numbers that add up to catastrophe - and make clear who the real enemy is (Rolling Stone).

Pacific drones discover islands of garbage made out of tsunami debris (Daily Mail).

Floating plastic-garbage islands in our oceans (Buzz Flash).

On this day in history (July 22, 1862) President Lincoln told his cabinet about his Emancipation Procomation plans (History).

New Age leader sues ex-students over leaked video of her drunken racist anti-gay rant (The Raw Story).

The economic lynching of America ... Since the recession began trillions of dollars in wealth has been created, with almost all of it going to the richest white 10% (Nation of Change).

The 7 worst NFL coaches ever (Wall Street Cheat Sheet).

Dictatorshp's shadow rears its ugly head in Brazil's World Cup (Truth Out).

- Mark 

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