Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Did the Republican Party embrace racists and bigots to win national elections in the latter half of the 20th century? Yes they did, and it was part of a larger "southern strategy" that President Nixon used to gain the White House in 1968.

While I have written about this in the past (a discussion on political parties) Allen Clifton's article "The Truth About Republican Racism and the 'Southern Strategy'" provides a nice overview of the point when the GOPs southern strategy developed. Because of copyrights issues, I'm only posting one-half of the article here.

Whenever the topic of racism gets brought up between Democrats and Republicans, there are two facts you’ll almost always hear conservatives use to counter the belief that their party is full of racism:
  • President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican
  • The KKK was largely organized, and populated by, Democrats
And both are facts.
But when someone uses these two items as their defense that the Republican party isn’t loaded with racism, they’re only showing their ignorance about the reality of racism within their party.
It’s true, Southern Democrats were extremely racist.  At the same time, Northern “liberal” Democrats and Republicans had already been working together to end discrimination and pushed for ending segregation.
See, in 1948, President Harry Truman made one of the boldest public moves by a Democrat towards Civil Rights for African Americans by creating the President’s Committee on Civil Rights, and ending discrimination in the military.  At the Democratic National Convention in 1948 a call was made for civil rights—prompting at least 35 Southern delegates to walk out.
These movements towards civil rights for African Americans spurred a short-lived political party — the States Rights Democratic Party, also known as the “Dixiecrats.”  The people who comprised this movement adamantly defended segregation of the races.  It was an attempt to keep the “tyrannical Northern liberals” from “destroying the freedom of states’ rights in the South.”
Luckily, this political party only lasted one election.  But what this movement really did was recognize the shift of Democrats embracing equality for African Americans and Southern whites strongly opposing any mention of civil rights.
The moves by President Truman sparked the spread of equality in the South and left Southern white Democrats with a feeling that their party was abandoning their racist — and oppressive — system of beliefs.
Over the next decade, more and more Democrats began to embrace equality, passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  And while more African Americans began to vote for Democrats, in the late-1960′s a new Republican strategy was put into place—the “Southern strategy.”
This was a plan was that was first popularized by Richard Nixon.
What the “Southern strategy” essentially does is it identified the fact that African Americans were voting for Democrats, therefore Republicans decided they would make white voters more aware of this fact in hopes of driving the “white vote” towards the Republican party ...

The problem with the southern strategy today, as Senator Lindsey Graham (R-NC) pointed out in 2012, is that the Republican Party is not "generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for a long time."

You can read the rest of Clifton's article here.

- Mark 

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