Tuesday, July 16, 2013

READING FOR THE WEEK (July 16, 2013)

House Republicans pass a pork-laden farm bill that gives billions to the agriculture industry ... with no money for food stamps (WP Wonkblog).

Is President Nixon's former Vice-President, Spiro Agnew, the starting point for the talk radio mentality we see today (History Commons)?

If the Director of National Intelligence - David Clapper - can lie to Congress with no repercussion he can lie about anything else, including Syria and Iran (Truthout).

The Roberts Court is out of control ... It appears that developers can now claim an unconstitutional "taking" of their property rights if cities and counties don't allow them do what they want, or require them to follow their land use guidelines (SCOTUS blog).

The making of the U.S. surveillance state, 1898-2020 (Truthout).

Latest Snowden poll; 55% say whistle blower, 34% say traitor (Zero Hedge).

Greenwald: Snowden docs show NSA "blueprint" (Chron).

Did the U.S. get the Europeans to ground the plane flown by Bolivia's President Evo Morales? (Buzz Flash).

What do you know ... there's an oil glut, and North America is leading the way (Calgary Herald).

Explaining Basel III and where the Fed's embrace falls short (NY Times/DealB%k).

Giant banks have taken over the real economy, as well as the financial system, which allows them to manipulate markets on a massive scale (Zero Hedge).

What's the "chained CPI"? (AARP)

Could 9/11 related insurance claim(s) be insurance fraud (PressTV)?

Fed up teachers refuse to teach summer school in Texas (Takepart).

Giants vs. A's, in the Silicon Valley sweepstakes (WSJ).

Vanity Fair does an interesting review of John F. Kennedy's last days with Jackie after the death of their son Patrick (Vanity Fair).

Michelle Obama issues a smack down to a heckler who was just being rude (Cafemom). 

The colossal stupidity of calling Hilary Clinton too old (and why the GOP doesn't get it, still) (Bloomberg).

- Mark 

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