Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Off the top of my head, this is why I think the Democrats lost the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts.

1. President Obama rewarded Wall Street for their incompetence, while doing little to nothing for Main Street. Americans are rightfully pissed.

2. President Obama didn't push Congress when it came to allowing cheaper medicines in from countries like Canada. There goes the elderly independent vote.

3. President Obama made it look like he didn't really want a single payer system, or a public option, both of which he pushed for on the campaign trail. The base was uninspired.

4. Unemployment is at 10% when the Obama administration said it wouldn't hit 10%. This was simply a dumb move.

5. After the House passed foreclosure legislation that would help stem record foreclosures by allowing bankruptcy judges to rewrite mortgages, it died in the Senate without President Obama pushing for it. Nothing for Main Street.

6. President Obama's Making Home Affordable plan is being undermined by banks, who have Federal trillion-dollar guarantees and aren't in any hurry to negotiate with distressed homeowners. Sitting by as homeowners get kicked out of their homes by the very banks that created our mess is no strategy for winning votes.

Now, to be sure, Martha Coakley ran a terrible campaign. But there's little doubt that people are still pissed about what happened last year. Especially since no one's been disciplined and Joe Six-Pack has been left holding Wall Street's bags. This is not the Change people voted for. It's really that simple. I understand why independents bailed out on Barack Obama.

I may have more to say about this tomorrow. Then again, maybe not.

- Mark

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