Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Dylan Ratigan gets it right when he says that the vote in Massachusetts yesterday was a good one because it sent a simple message: NO MORE POLITICS AS USUAL.

We all know that Americans are still pissed off about Wall Street laughing all the way to the bank while unemployment, debt, and uncertainty hangs over the head of Joe Six-Pack. Political bribery, like we saw on the health care vote, is not good politics.

President Obama needs to stop embracing politics as usual in Washington (lobbyists, money, and old fashion legislating/bribery) and start working for middle-class America. Otherwise the politics of change that delivered him to the White House will sweep him and the Democrats out. Unfortunately, after blowing his trump card on saving the ungrateful bankers, he may have blown his leverage with the Massachusetts vote.

More simply, he may have lost the aura of change that swept him into the White House.

- Mark

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