Friday, October 2, 2009


This Ed Schultz segment illustrates why Representative Alan Grayson's actions should be encouraged and emulated.

What's clear is that Rep. Grayson won't let himself get bogged down in Republican semantics. Grayson understands that indulging Republican demands and requests will only lead him down an empty cul de sac.

As well, it worth pointing out that Rep. Grayson is one of the few members of Congress (like Ron Paul) who actually understands the financial meltdown. Check out his letters to responsible parties involved in the debacle and its clean-up here, and the string of media/YouTube pieces at the bottom of the page. I particularly liked how he questioned Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke about the Fed's activities and it's authority in this meltdown (which I discussed back in July).

Grayson laughs at Bernanke's response to a question at the 3:23 mark in the clip. For those of you who know how money and the Fed works, you'll understand why he laughed when you watch the clip.

- Mark

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