Saturday, October 3, 2009

IT'S OFFICIAL: THE FAR RIGHT WANTS THE VILLAGE TO BURN (unless, of course, they're in charge)

This Rachel Maddow clip makes it clear that the far right officially hates President Omaba and is opposed to anything he does, even if it undermines the larger obejectives of this country.

The far right and their elected officials have already made it clear that they want President Obama to fail and that they will not support any significant policy proposal he promotes(they didn't support the stimulus plan and they will not support his health care proposal). Simply put, they have decided to take their ball and go home.

Now, with their reaction to the IOC's announcement that Brazil will host the 2016 Olympics, it's quite clear that these same people hate President Obama more than they want America to succeed.

This is more than disturbing. It's a sign of a disorder.

Critical to this disorder is that it compels those afflicted with it to ignore both the facts and what is good for America. Among these, as Dailykos points out, is that no South American nation has ever hosted any Olympic games while the U.S. has hosted numerous Olympic events (both summer and winter). Second, Olympic Committee members were concerned about America's "fortress" like approach to visas, which means America's accessibility after 9/11 is a concern for those who sponsor global events like the Olympics. Finally, even former President George W. Bush had chimed in about the need to bring the Olympics to Chicago. In fact, an overwhelming majority of the work done to bring the games to Chicago was done while George W. Bush was president (it was a four year, $48 million, project).

The far right needs to move beyond sitting on the sidelines and pushing their "we-need-to-destroy-the-village-in-order-to-save-it" mentality into our political bloodlines. At a domestic level it is neither helpful nor healthy. Internationally, it's simply embarrassing.

- Mark

UPDATE: BarbinMD has an update on the Weekly Standard's reaction to Chicago not getting the Olympic bid. She also calls attention to a list of the things the far right has either ignored or rooted against: Bill Clinton freeing American journalists from North Korea ... Marines rescuing Americans from Somali pirates ... Rescuing American automobile manufacturers ... Health care for all Americans ...

UPDATE, II: Things that would make the right wing happy? Hint: It involves America getting attacked. See it here, here, here, and here.

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