Monday, October 7, 2019


This quote from The Hill pretty much sums up what's wrong with Donald Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria after speaking with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ...

The White House announced Sunday night that U.S. troops would leave northern Syria and that Turkey would launch an invasion in the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers the Kurdish fighters "terrorists," as a result of a longstanding separatist movement among Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey, but the U.S. considered the Kurdish forces in northern Syria to be their strongest allies in the fight against the Islamic State [my italics], which is why Trump has received bipartisan criticism for leaving them vulnerable to Turkish forces.

And this quote/Tweet pretty much sums up what's wrong with Donald Trump, and why much of the world views him as an unhinged lunatic ...

How much of Trump's reckless stupidity can the world take before something really bad happens?

For those of you who aren't experts in the region, or are simply interested in knowing more, read Foreign Policy's "Despite Syria 'Safe Zone,' Kurdish Leader Fears Threat from Turkey" and "Defying Pentagon, Trump Endorses Turkish Operations in Syria." You can also click "here" for the Kurds' immediate response to Trump's decision.

Also, in case you're wondering, even Trump's lap dog, Senator Lindsey Graham is upset with Trump on this, commenting "this is a disaster in the making" (among other things, it will force the Kurds to align with Assad and Iran), adding "ISIS is not defeated. This is the biggest lie being told by this administration."

Here's what everyone needs to know. Trump has no idea what he's doing. The fact that he's playing toy soldier in sensitive regions that have been explosive points in the past, makes our world less safe.

Interestingly, Putin and Russia's foreign policy interests are big winners here.
Big surprise there, right?

- Mark

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