Tuesday, July 30, 2019


We just returned from another conference/vacation trip, which took us to England and Ireland (which is why I haven't posted in about 10 days). Attached below are a few of the places we visited after the conference, which was held at the University of York, in England.

The entrance to Windsor Castle. 

The moat surrounding Windsor. I don't think the moat looked this good
when it was actually used for defensive purposes.

The mysterious Stonehenge. Sorry, no space monsters or other outer beings were spotted.

I'm not much for musicals, but "Tina" is a must-see if you're ever in London. 

Dublin, Ireland. No visit to the Jameson facility is complete
unless you participate in the whiskey tasting portion of the tour.

While in Ireland you can't miss the Guinness tour. It's incredible how much you'll learn about beer,
and the Guinness process, while on the tour.

Four hours before the presentation ... the room where director Miguel Orozco
and I presented the documentary "American Migrant Stories" at the University of York.

One thing that became abundantly clear during our presentation - where the vast majority of the audience was made up of practitioners from around the world - is that it's very clear what Donald Trump is doing to America's stature around the world.

There's nothing great about having people disgusted by hate, misogyny, and Trump's abject ignorance about our world.

- Mark

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