Friday, June 29, 2018


In the FYI department, red flags have been raised on Deutsche Bank's lending to Trump - when no other major bank in the world would - for a while now.  The fact that Justice Kennedy's son approved or worked these loans means he lies at the heart of whatever financial intrigue Trump had (has?) going on.
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Sitting on an impeachment trial that potentially involves Russian collusion, money laundering, and your son's role in keeping Trump's financial ship afloat means Kennedy would have had a serious conflict of interest in making a decision. Justin Kennedy's role in keeping Trump's bankruptcy machine afloat - when no one else would touch him - mean Justice Anthony Kennedy would have had a motive to make sure his son doesn't come out looking like Trump's financial stooge (bagman?) for the hundreds of millions he helped send Trump's way, courtesy of Deutsche Bank.

- Mark

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