Thursday, June 7, 2018


"The Kaiser viewed other people 
in instrumental terms, was a 
compulsive liar, and seemed to 
have a limited understanding 
of cause and effect."

- Miranda Carter 

Every year, in the fall, I begin my upper division International Relations Theory class by looking at the various causes of war. We end up categorizing the determinants of war along three lines. Tensions between states caused by intractable differences and entangling alliances. The rise of bellicose and undemocratic states who cause trouble for everyone. And, finally, the ever present frailties and failures of individuals. 

The first compel us to look at the logic (and fears) of the international system, while the second asks us to consider how states organize themselves. The last compels us to review, once again, the human condition. It forces us to look at personalities, character and, yes, even ask whether some leaders are simply incompetent nincompoops (though I don't quite phrase it that way). 

I'm bringing this up because The New Yorker has an excellent piece - "What Happens When a Bad-Tempered, Distractible Doofus Runs an Empire?" - that looks at what we call the "individual level of analysis." The article, written by Miranda Carter, brings us the sad and pathetic story of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who ruled Germany from 1888 to 1918. We also know him as the German leader who drove the country into war, and pretty much left Germany in political and economic disarray for a generation. 


I hope you read Miranda Carter's piece (by New Yorker standards, it's not long). The real strength of the article lies in its explanation of how the puzzle pieces leading up to WWI were put in place because of Kaiser Wilhelm's missteps, while everyone stood by and watched, hoping it would all go away.

More importantly, for those who understand the relationship between history and current events, the article helps explain the slow motion damage Donald Trump's petulant recklessness has already caused, to both America and the world.

- Mark

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