Tuesday, May 8, 2018


It's that time of year again. Final Exams begin next week. Below are links to issues I have discussed on my blog, which also tie directly into my International Political Economy lectures. So, yeah, what's below is a list of ancillary "cliffs" notes for my class. I will post more later this week. Regular readers (and those who have read my book) will understand the broader story. Of course, those who are interested in knowing how our markets actually work can begin by reading the links below.

Part I
History and Concepts from the First Two Mid-Terms

What makes the magic of the market work? A useful analogy from Disneyland's Aladdin. 

From War to Mercantilism: The historical role the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Enlightenment had in paving the intellectual path for Market Capitalism to arrive.

Waves of Imperialism ... War and Markets: Why Great Wealth is not a product of individual initiative alone. Here we learn about the three waves of imperialism, which were driven by successive but distinct eras of mercantilism after 1648, 1815, and 1919,

The Moral Justification of Capitalism is on the Ropes ... Here's Why. This is a review of the transformation from feudalism and mercantilism towards the modern liberal state.

Waves of Imperialism, II ... It's not free markets ... the state creates the conditions under which wealth is created (with an all too brief discussion-mention of John M. Keynes and Friedrich List).

Rebuilding Afghanistan ... it's Mindless Modernization Theory, again.

A flood of dollars, new competition, and a crumbling economic framework ... yet we do nothing, still (OK, this one is part of the Bretton Woods lecture, and will be part of the next mid-term).

- Mark

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