Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Over the years I've gotten significant feedback, and learned much about what people like, or want to read, by keeping track of the independent hits I get on each of my posts. One thing I've learned is that if I get more than 500 independent hits on a post then that particular post has been sent around or posted by others.

Below are The Top 10 posts that appeared on my blog throughout 2017. I start with #10, and finish with #1 below. Click on the date, or link, to access the post.


#10. "Fan Mail ... Letter of the Year" (September 12 / 770).

This letter, commenting on my "debate" with Congressman Kevin McCarthy (#3 below), illustrates how bigoted and hateful those on the other side have become.


# 9. "Our See-Hear-Speak No Evil (of Vladimir Putin) GOP" (April 4 / 771).

Just a simple cartoon that readers, apparently, wanted to share with others.


#8. "Donald Trump's Parade Delusions ... A Tin-Pot Dictator is Poised to Take Over?" (Jan. 19 / 827).

Before taking office, Donald Trump contemplated having military parades. Seriously.


#7. "We're Supposed to Be Proud of This?" (Feb. 7 / 839).

Our local newspaper appears to tout Rep. Kevin McCarthy's "closeness" to Donald Trump, as if that's a good thing.


#6. "Vladimir Putin's Real Long Game ... Yes, It Hinges on American Decline" (Jan. 4 / 843).

One thing's clear from Putin's meddling with American elections. He knows what he's doing.


#5. "Four Simple Reason Why Gun Control Makes Sense ... And, Yes, Ronald Reagan Agrees With Me" (Oct. 3 / 881).

The NRA is run by fools and trolls, and Reagan would agree with me.


#4. "Bakersfield's Amazon HQ2 Proposal is In ... Guess What Amazon's Going to Notice?" (Oct. 24 / 905).

The city of Bakersfield proudly submits its proposal to become Amazon's second North American headquarters. I explain why it's not going to happen.


#3. "My Kern Radio Debate With Rep. Kevin McCarthy" (September 7 / 1077).

Bakersfield's congressional representative, and House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, called in to The Ralph Bailey Show while I was still on air. It was fun (for me).


#2. "Yeah, Weinstein Was a Monster" (Dec. 13 / 1094).

Salma Hayek explains why Harvey Weinstein was her monster too in a NY Times op-ed.


#1. "With Roy Moore's Loss, Expect to see Voter ID laws come roaring back ... Yeah, it's those pesky blacks causing trouble, again" (Dec. 13 / 1150).

After blacks - and especially black women - came out to vote against Roy Moore in Alabama's U.S. Senate race, I'm predicting that voter ID laws will make a comeback, again.


One final comment about my blog. I surpassed 1 million total hits during the fall of 2017. Of this total, I was surprised to learn that the U.S. makes up about 53% of my readers all time. France (10.2%), Russia (6.5%), the UK (2.7%), and Germany (2.7%) round out the top five, with France and Russia becoming a much larger source of my readership over the past three years.

Specifically, there have been more than several months where readers from France and Russia surpassed 7,500 hits in one month. Interestingly, the hits from Russia spiked considerably during last year's presidential election, and especially after I started writing about Trump's connections to Vladimir Putin and Russia (you can draw your own conclusions on this).

In all cases, thanks for reading, and for the feedback. 

- Mark

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