Friday, December 22, 2017


Last week, on December 14, we premiered American Migrant Stories at California State University Bakersfield's Dore Theatre.

While the 32-minute Documentary reviews U.S. migration patterns, especially as they pertain to Kern County, the focus is on the work of the Immigration Justice Collaborative's (IJC) 34 attorneys, who went from small town to small town in rural Kern County to advise our region's undocumented populations of their rights and responsibilities.

Among the community members who were profiled in the documentary included Raji Brar, Chief Operations Officer of Countryside Market & Restaurants.

Provost Jenny Zorn attended and welcomed the Kern County and Bakersfield community to CSU Bakersfield.

Local defense attorney, and IJC co-founder, David Torres was one of the speakers before and after the showing of American Migrant Stories.

Producer and director, Miguel Orozco offered a few words and specific insights into the making of American Migrant Stories.

Three of our post-documentary panelists, attorneys David Torres, H.A. "Beto" Sala, and Xochitl Garcia reviewed the film, and answered questions from the audience.

Rounding out panel for the evening were Bakersfield Chief of Police Lyle Martin.and attorney Win Eaton (sitting next to David Torres). 

Bakersfield Chief of Police, Lyle Martin, made several powerful comments that resonated with the crowd, which encouraged several people to comment that he should run for office (and not just Kern County Sheriff).

- Mark

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