Monday, March 6, 2017


It looks like this is going to become a regular feature on my blog ... 

Win Eaton is one of the top immigration attorneys on the west coast, with offices in Salem, Oregon, and here in Fresno and Bakersfield, the breadbasket of California's San Joaquin Valley. He is also currently participating in our Immigration Justice Collaborative series, which disseminates legal information to our undocumented populations throughout Kern County.

The following is another immigration update from the law offices of Win Eaton & Associates ...


A few minutes ago, President Trump signed a new travel ban imposing a 90-day ban on the issuance of new visas for citizens of six majority-Muslim nations. In addition, the nation’s refu­gee program will be suspended for 120 days, and the USA will not accept more than 50,000 refugees per year, down from the 110,000 cap set by the Obama administration.

Trump signed the new ban in private, out of public view, according to White House officials.

The order will apparently not take effect until March 16, 2017. The new executive order names six of the seven countries included in the first executive order but excludes Iraq. Iraq will apparently be increasing cooperation with the United States on additional security vetting under separate negotiations and Iraqi citizens are not subject to the new order, according to a fact sheet provided by the administration.

In other immigration news ...
A Bosnian refugee has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court’s ruling that held naturalized U.S. citizens may be stripped of their citizenship in criminal proceedings based on immaterial false statements they made when applying for naturalization. 
President Donald Trump has claimed that his promised southern border wall will cost around $12 billion. However, recently leaked government estimates are suggesting the project is likely to cost twice as much, and will be slower to start than the president claims, potentially turning off already-lukewarm lawmakers.

The Supreme Court ruled this morning that a Colorado man convicted of unlawful sexual contact is entitled to a new trial after learning that a juror made a racist comment, holding that courts may penetrate the secrecy of the jury deliberation room when there is reason to believe that racial bias has cheated a defendant of the right to an impartial jury.
On Friday, A Florida federal judge stopped a new Miami-Dade County policy involving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for undocumented immigrants. The ruling finds that it violates the Tenth Amendment.
According to a resolution passed by the European Parliament on Thursday, American travelers will be forced to apply for visas before entering Europe.  The measure is intended to pressure the U.S. to rescind a policy of requiring visas from five member nations.
On Thursday, Maryland’s attorney general asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to designate the state’s courts, hospital emergency rooms and schools as “safe harbors” for unauthorized immigrants, citing concerns that the Trump administration’s new enforcement policies will undermine public safety, instead of promoting it.
On Wednesday, dozens of law enforcement leaders sent a letter to Congress expressing their concerns about the Trump administration’s threats to eliminate funds from cities that fail to enforce federal immigration law. Law enforcement leaders claim doing so would be “extremely problematic” and would not make communities safer or fix the “broken immigration system.”

- Mark

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