Monday, September 5, 2016

READING ON LABOR DAY (Sept. 5, 2016)

Clinton campaign releases video blasting Trump's Mexico trip (The Hill).

Obama and Putin still can't agree on Syria and, boy, do they hate each other (BuzzFeed).

Why poor people stay poor (Slate).

How much will the war on unions cost you this Labor Day (Truth Out)?

LABOR & WAGES (in California)
Fruits of labor: Sunny California is no paradise for farm workers (The Guardian).

California's rich-poor gap: The reality may surprise you (Cal Matters).

Solar-powered pipe desalinizes 1.5 billion gallons of drinking water for California (Inhabitat).

California bans ITT tech from accepting new students (LA Times).

Donald Trump's bet: We are all chumps (Washington Post).

Trump's problem isn't that he's going 'off script.' His problem is the script itself (Washington Post).

American Nazi chair: Trump win would be "a real opportunity" for white nationalists (BuzzFeed).

Donald Trump jacked up his campaign's Trump Tower rent once somebody else was paying it (Huffington Post).

Reporter's tweets from within crowd at Trump rally are raw, powerful and shocking (Good Men Project).

Trump backer Mark Burns's painfully bad attempts to defend his inflated resume (Washington Post).

Twitter users hilariously troll Donald Trump's kids over 'outsider' tweet (Huffington Post).

I'm a doctor. Here's what I find most concerning about Trump's medical letter (Huffington Post).

Chivalry isn't dead, you just don't know what the f*#k it is (Better Myths).

Private space firm demands restitution from Musk after Space X rocket explosion (Ozy).

The secrets of Medieval castles: Stairs are built in a clockwise fashion for a VERY good reason (Vintage News).

The FBI says it can't find hackers to hire because they all smoke pot (Motherboard).

#Meme of the Week: Taco trucks on every corner (NPR).

She beat her son with a hanger - and said Indiana's religious freedom law gave her the right (Washington Post).

Copeland says Christians who vote against Trump will be cursed with poverty, gay children (Business Standard News).

'Drinking the Orange Kool-Aid': Cult expert says Trump is like Rev. Jim Jones - but far more dangerous (Raw Story).

Texas clerk gets the bill for her 'religious freedom' claim (The New Civil Rights Movement).

Nearly one-third of Louisiana Republicans blame President Obama for slow Hurricane Katrina response (The Intellectualist).

Cops threaten not to protect Kaepernick while providing extra security for rapist Brock Turner (U.S. Uncut).

More parents are refusing to vaccinate their kids - but not for the reasons you think (Mother Jones).

A look behind the claims on immigration (Five Thirty Eight).

How Latinos are saving this former Pennsylvania mining town (Enterparse).

Trump and the truth: Immigration and crime (The New Yorker).

Scary proof that we have seriously screwed up the planet's oceans (Take Part).

Oklahoma now as much an earthquake risk as California (The Intellectualist).

Flooding of coast, caused by global warming, has already begun (NY Times).

New Trump hire proves Hillary Clinton's vast right wing conspiracy is real (Politics USA).

Memo to GOP: Forget your obstructionist policies. They backfired (Washington Post).

7 charts on how the world views President Obama (Pew Research Center).

In case you missed it ... Paul Ryan snapped this photo, can you tell what is wrong with it (Addicting Info)?

- Mark

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