Friday, June 3, 2016


I didn't know we had a day for this. One of my colleagues brought it to my attention this morning. Apparently, today is National Doughnut Day, which makes me think of Homer Simpson.

In the spirit of National Doughnut Day it's only appropriate we think of joining Homer Simpson, and find a place where they offer free doughnuts (Fortune's list here), or where it's raining doughnuts ...

<p>Ironic endings run rampant through the Halloween episodes, but this is one of the best. After fiddling with history, Homer bounces from world to world trying to find a timeline closest to his own. He finally hits “the jackpot,” only to find that the universe where the Simpsons are fabulously wealthy and Patty and Selma are dead has no donuts. He quickly escapes, not realizing that it literally rains donuts there.<br /><br /><i>(Credit: Fox)</i> </p>

I know, I know ... there are more important things going on around the world. It's just that I finally finished grading over 150 papers and exams late last night (a five day process), and I desperately needed this kind of distraction.

OK, now back to reality ...

- Mark

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