Friday, May 6, 2016


Donald Trump, Baby Boomer: It turns out the knack for selling "luxury" to people with no concept of value is the same as the one for selling "liberty" to people with no concept of democracy (Slate).

Toddlers have shot at least 23 people this year (Washington Post).

The Origins of May Day (IWW).

Majority of GOP insiders won't commit to Trump (Politico).

The end of capitalism has begun (The Guardian).

Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems (The Guardian).

Move over cotton, say hello to hemp - The 'forbidden' crop that's taking the world by storm (Realfarmacy).

10 years of fracking: It's impact on our water, land and climate (EcoWatch).

A racist stereotype is shattered: Study finds white youth are more likely to abuse hard drugs than black youth (Salon).

Why the banks should be broken up (Rolling Stone).

In settlement's fine print, Goldman may save $1 billion (NY Times).

Goldman Sachs just got a $1 billion break on its financial crisis settlement (Crowd Pac).

Forget Bitcoin - What is the blockchain, and why should you care (Re/Code)?

The mania of China's Kowloon Walled City (Tech Insider).

Science explains why volcanoes are erupting all over the place right now (Washington Post).

How to tell black people apart, by David Alan Grier (Jimmy Kimmel Live).

Boehner: Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh' (Politico).

Apparently Ted Cruz being compared to Lucifer is an insult to Satanists everywhere (Anti Media).

"Your hair is so white, it tried to punch me at a Trump rally": 10 best lines from Larry Wilmore's scathing White House Correspondents' Dinner (Salon).

Trump tweets picture of him eating taco bowl, says 'I love Hispanics' (Politico).

Mom who took kids to sing for Oregon militants claims biblical right to beat her children bloody (Raw Story).

With court ruling, sodomy law doesn't apply when victim is unconscious (Oklahoma Watch).

"Sounds like black privilege to me": Rampant racism forces Fox News to close comments section on Malia Obama article (Salon).

Republican leaders plead for judge to go easy on sex offender Dennis Hastert (Bipartisan Report).

Duggar cult founder plans Kansas 'retreat' to set up arranged marriages for teen girls (Raw Story).

Republican State Rep. Tila Hubrecht defends rape comments about that silver lining to rape ... you know, the joy of being forced to carry the rape baby to term (Missouri Times).

Christian groups admits to sending men into the women's bathroom to scare you into hating trans people (Addicting Info).

House Republicans want to cut free school lunch programs (Think Progress).

For Ann Coulter, it's OK when Republicans cheat on their wives (Salon).

The 10 edgiest innovation ideas of 2016 (Washington Post).

How was your day ... Mexican cock fighter (Ozy)?

Kern County sued for violating Federal Voting Rights Act (South Kern Sol).

Spreading hate has backfired on right-wing media: How Fox News unwittingly destroyed the Republican Party (Salon).

- Mark

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