Tuesday, May 3, 2016


For those of you wondering why it's necessary to reject Donald Trump, while challenging the predatory laws that artificially protect or enhance the wealth of the top 1% of Americans ...

When Donald Trump and the top 1% talk about protecting "our way of life" know one thing: You're not part of the "way of life" they're talking about. You're simply a tool for their ends.

There is a difference between wealth extraction and wealth creation. Learn it.

- Mark 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the sentiment on Trump on it's own merit; however, the analysis could easily read:
    "When Hilary Clinton and the top 1% talk about protecting "our way of life" know one thing: You're not part of the "way of life" they're talking about. You're simply a tool for their ends."

    A few sources to back this:




    To say Clinton would be a better choice than Trump on ANY type of economic policy that would purport to improve the lives of the middle class and below is simply NOT backed up by historical precedent. Just food for thought.
