Tuesday, September 2, 2014



#1: For the record, here's the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 2009 through 2014. The reality is that the DJIA is more than 10,000 points above where it was when President Obama entered the White House (this chart only goes back to fall 2009) ....


#2: It was a week ago today (September 2, 20014) that the S&P broke 2,000 for the first time in its history. 


#3: Then we have the millions of jobs created since President Obama came into office ...


#4: We also have the millions who have signed up (over 100% of CBO projections) for health care insurance under Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act  ...


#5: Then we have President Obama's record when it comes to new spending. He's the lowest spender since President Eisenhower, another notorious socialist (according to the John Birch Society, the intellectual godparents of the Tea Party, Ike was a socialist) ...


OK, #6: Since we're at it, let's not forget this ...

- Mark 

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