Wednesday, June 18, 2014


President Bush's decision to take out Saddam Hussein removed the one person in the Middle East who could counter balance the religious radicals in the region. As I discussed almost 12 years ago, this decision has radicalized a region, and is coming back to haunt us all.

For those who want to blindly blame President Obama for what's happening in Iraq, know this ...

1. President Bush signed the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) in December of 2008, which made it clear when we had to leave Iraq, not President Obama. 
2. The adventure in Iraq was ill-conceived, ill-advised, and poorly executed from the beginning. It was always a fools errand.  
3. The same people who mindlessly said 'Let's go into Iraq' are now the loudest critics of President Obama for not fixing their poorly administered mess. 

If you want to blame someone for the blowback we're now seeing in Iraq take a look at the guy who foolishly took us into Iraq in the first place.

- Mark 

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