Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MID-WEEK READING (June 24, 2014)

These lies could trigger another market collapse (Shah Gilani / Money Morning).

As QE3 winds down your portfolio can keep on ticking (Money Morning).

Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill (Mother Jones)?

An African mining company buys armed drones for 'riot control' (3NewsNZ).

Germany is NSA's primary host of surveillance architecture in Europe (Russian Times).

Why is the Pentagon buying weapons with Chinese parts instead of U.S. parts (Truthout)?

'Politically explosive' documents show how the NSA wiretaps the earth (Common Dreams).

Eric Snowden: 'Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped' ... The top 13 Snowden quotes on the NSA (Russian Times).  

On Iraq, John McCain will not take John McCain's advice (Mother Jones).

The 13 countries John McCain has wanted to invade, attack, or destabalize (Mother Jones).

GOP congressional candidate insists we found Saddam's WMD program (Mother Jones).

White right wing gun nuts plan to march through black neighborhood carrying assault rifles (Politics USA).

Tea Party supporter caught pretending (lying) that she has evidence that the White House, or the Obama campaign,used the IRS to target conservatives (News Hounds).

Mormon church excommunicates women's rights activist because of her campaign for female priests (The Independent).

Mike Huckabee likens the IRS to the Gestapo (News Hounds).

They belong in prison, not on TV (Truthout).

This is crazy ... With the Federal government owing Social Security $2.7 trillion, and with Baby Boomers ready to retire, Social Security is closing field offices (News-Press).

Most working Americans applaud Snowden's exposure of NSA mass surveillance (Russian Times).

NSA blowback: The top 8 political scandals sparked by the Snowden leaks (Russian Times).

- Mark 

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