Thursday, March 20, 2014


With an eye towards eliminating our budget deficits in 2011 I posted "Here's How We Save $1.1 trillion (and more) ...". The focus was to go after tax deductions rather than raising taxes. Two weeks later I followed up with a similar proposal in "This is How We Fix the Budget".

Later, we got "8 Tips on How We Could Cut the Deficit, Since Slashing Social Security Benefits Won't Help" from Richard Eskow. The focus is on a combination of tax hikes (in the right areas) and budget cuts. Below, we see an expanded version of Eskow's proposal in an easy to understand chart (hat tip Gary) ...

For those of you looking for more areas to fix our budget problems check out PolicyMic's "10 Ways to Reduce the Deficit by $6.2 Trillion".

- Mark

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