Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Images of earth from one of NASA's most powerful satellites (Business Insider).

How many school children will learn that 1 in 4 U.S. presidents trafficked and enslaved people for profit? (Alternet)

While we get unprecedented obstructionism from our GOP-led House of Representatives the White House has acted (White House).

The number of those without health insurance drops to five year low (Gallup).


Does the unemployment rate matter anymore? Not if you look at it this way (Washington Post).

House GOP members deliberately twisted CBO facts about Obamacare (Public Integrity).

Congressional Republicans who received stimulus dollars slam the stimulus on its fifth anniversary (Think Progress).

Numbers on the worst California-West Coast drought in history (NCAR).

Focusing on California's drought, Newsweek profiles a small town in the Santa Cruz mountains - Lompico - where I used to hang out (Newsweek).

New California data shows drop in overall school suspensions, expulsions (Public Integrity).

The story of a Houston senior who just wanted to get a voter ID card (Houston Chronicle).

Grab and Run: Kyrgystan's bride kidnappings (Newsweek).

Texas Village Idiot, Sen. Ted Cruz, threatens to filibuster clean debt limit hike (TPM).

Poverty stories from around the world (Global Truth).

Convicted wife-beater and prospective challenger for Susan Collins' U.S. Senate seat in Maine, Erick Bennett, says denying wife-beating conviction proves he has 'guts and integrity' (Huffington Post).

Conservative billionaires says that the votes of the rich should count more than those who have less money (Think Progress).

Fashion CEO says the poor in America shouldn't complain because they would be rich in most other countries (Think Progress).

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX): Raise taxes on the poor - which they can pay with government aid  - because it will give them a stake in the system (The Raw Story).

A Wisconsin state senator wants to undo a state law that requires employers to give employees at least one day a week off because it interferes with their "freedom" to work (Huffington Post).

Federal bankruptcy judge rules that Detroit is trying to give banks too much money (Think Progress).

Check out this house that's selling at a discounted price of $68.8 million (Business Insider).

University professors need to step it up (NY Times).

News from Latin America (Americas Society).

- Mark 

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