Thursday, December 26, 2013


Via Upworthy we get this clip from Carl Sagan. More than 17 years ago he explained why we need science and the scientific method in our political process. His prediction not only nails it, but it helps to explain what we're experiencing in our political arena today ...

If you want to know why we need to listen to the scientists on things like global warming the scientist in this video clip uses a very simple analogy to help us understand what's happening in our world ...

With forced sequestration cuts leading to layoffs throughout the scientific community - and budget cuts to the National Institute of Health (5.5%) and the National Science Foundation (2.1%), in spite of what was requested - we are not doing ourselves any favors over the long term.

- Mark 

1 comment:

  1. Graham Turner, an Australian physicist, has done some interesting research that involves the interaction of the economy, the environment, and political policy choices. Here is a link to one of his papers via the research division of The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
