Monday, December 23, 2013


After the failure of the Articles of Confederation the Founding Fathers learned a big lesson. They learned that a weak central government was actually a bad idea. So they put some teeth into our federal system of government. 

Unfortunately, today there are many who believe that they have a better understanding of our history and government than America's Founding Fathers. They want to dismantle the American government as we know it, and replace it with a "libertarian paradise" that they naively believe could work because people are just, you know, so nice and cooperative. 

What they don't understand is what happened the last time we tried what they're suggesting (under the Articles of Confederation) and what life would be like if they got their way ...

Yeah, apart from being constitutional illiterates - the Articles of Confederation IS part of our constitutional history - many on the far right really have no idea what happens when government doesn't work

Here's a humorous take on what life would be like if we follow the lead of the Tea Party and the Libertarians in America ...

And, yes, the Founding Fathers thought about what the Libertarians and the Tea Party extremists are talking about today. If they ever bothered to pick up and read the Federalist Papers they would know this.

I think I'll leave it at that, for now. 

- Mark 

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