Thursday, December 5, 2013


South Africa's human rights icon, past president (1994-1999), and global leader Nelson Mandela passed away today ...

While there's so much more to Mandela's story, if you haven't seen it now's a good time to see Invictus (starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, directed by Clint Eastwood). You will be inspired ...

Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms, Mandela Live, 1988

- Mark

UPDATE: Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich had a few words today ...
The world desperately needs heroes -- those who lead without excessive ego, who sacrifice without seeking martyrdom, who show the way without condescension, who honor the best in us without shaming the worst in us, who exemplify what leadership can be and what a nation can accomplish, and from whose life we learn and relearn that social progress is not a pipe dream but the essence of what humans must embrace. Nelson Mandela was such a hero and such a leader. The world grieves his loss, and remembers his greatness.

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