Sunday, October 13, 2013


Check out this LA Times article on Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), my representative in Washington.

The key in this piece is something that most of the electorate rarely take the time to look at, or consider. Kevin McCarthy's - and the GOP's - no new taxes pledge, plus their obstructionism, are what doomed cooperation and rational policy approaches while he was an assembly member here in California.

California was even called "the ungovernable state" by The Economist.

Once the Democrats took over, and when Kevin left Sacramento - and assumed his current House leadership position (Majority Whip) - the GOP in Washington started using many of the same tactics that McCarthy used here in California.

And the results are the same. Gridlock and a politically poisoned atmosphere in Washington.

Here's our lesson of the day. Once Kevin McCarthy and the conditions that allowed his tactics to succeed here were removed from the state of California - and were replaced with Democratic Super Majorities in the Assembly and the Senate, plus a Democratic governor who's focused on governing - it should come as no surprise that things are looking up here financially in California.

If we remove or neutralize the Tea Party obstructionists, and the "no new taxes" Grover Norquist puppets - like Kevin McCarthy - in Congress we will see similar developments in Washington.

Government will work again. Guaranteed.

- Mark

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