Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Do you have a pro-life friend who likes talking about how they support the sanctity of life? If so ask them:

1. Do you support torture? 
2. Do you support the death penalty?  
3. Do you oppose euthanasia for the terminally ill?  
4. Do you believe that over 100,000 civilians killed (as collateral damage) in a reckless war of choice is justified?
If they answer yes to one or all of these questions they do not appreciate the sanctity of life, and are not pro-life. They're pro-something, but it's definitely not pro-life. 

Seriously. How does turning a blind eye to torture, state sanctioned murder, human suffering, and mindless death make you a defender of the sanctity of life? How about those who say they are pro-life but who also work to deny food and health care to children and the working poor?

There's more, but you get the point. Many in the pro-life crowd have a demented version of human dignity and don't really appreciate the sanctity of life. 

- Mark

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