Friday, August 16, 2013


From Open Secrets we get "The Top 10 Things Every Voter Should Know About Money and Politics" ...

1. Money Follows Power (one for the millenium) 
2. Incumbents Almost Always Win (or, the Soviet Union Poliburo had nothing on us) 
3. Most Races in Congress Are Not Competitive (thank you gerrymandering) 
4. Small Donors Make Good Press, Big Donors Get You Reelected (show me the money) 
5. The Interests Behind the Money Are Predictable (and well rewarded) 
6. Donors Seek Long-Term Relationships (they're buying a seat at the table, not a knock on the door) 
7. The Fundraising Never Stops (its QVC for politicos) 
8. Enforcement of Campaign Laws is Weak (if they can write the laws what do we expect?) 
9. All Hell Broke Loose After 2010 (thank you Citizens United) 
10. They Don't Have to be Crooks, Just Human (the system is rigged)

You can read the details from the top 10 list here.

- Mark

Kudos to Tom for sharing this on FB.

UPDATE: In a related story ...

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