Friday, February 22, 2013


In my new effort to post things that catch my attention, or make me go hmmm, below are a few clips and articles that get me thinking about ideas to write about but I never find the time to act on.

* The Republican Party, then and now. Wow.

* Check this out for a look at what unhinged NRA paranoia looks like ... then break out the tin foil hats.

* Speaking of tin foil hats, take a look at this unhinged immigration stupidity. The comments would be amusing if they weren't so serious. Really ugly.

* Republicans and right wing pundits are complaining - with no supporting evidence (again) - that raising the minimum wage from $7.00 to $9.00 an hour will harm the economy. Check out this "facts and myths" site for a long list of studies that will help you understand the minimum wage debate.

* Proving that they really don't have a clue about modern economics, here's Fox News downplaying the impact of sequestration (mandatory budget cuts after March 1).

* What happens when you don't actually choose to purchase a service (like emergency health care), or pick where you will consume your product (a heart attack will determine this for you)? Time Magazine does an excellent job of explaining why there is no free market when it comes to health care.

And in the Orwellian WTF Category we have this ...

- Mark 

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