Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You know this clip is good because one of Bakersfield's right wing radio personalities mocked it on their FB page, only to have their Tea Bagging and right wing followers go after it too. It explains in just over 7 minutes what's happened to the fiscal health of our country since the trickle down ideologues took over, and how the financialization of our economy came about.

It's a bit over generalized, but it gets the point across. Enjoy ...

At the end of the day I'm not sure if the Tea Baggers and right wing crazies don't like this clip because they don't understand it, or because they live in such a closed universe. It's probably a little of both. Connecting concepts with facts is difficult when Fox-Rushbo-Glenn-Levin etc. are the ones yanking your intellectual chains.

Either way, it's interesting to see right wing comments on stuff like this. What's really amusing is that many of them get so bent out of shape defending a sputtering paper economy created by Americas elite, but are completely clueless to the fact that America's financial aristocracy - people like the Romneys and the Kochs - look at them as a bunch of chumps.

Correction, that's "useful" chumps.

- Mark

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