Friday, November 2, 2012


If you're wondering why a president with a spotty economy and record budget deficits is ahead in the polls, five days before a presidential election, we need look no further than who the Republican Party selected to be their standard bearer  ... 

Someone that the CEO of Chrysler has effectively called a liar ...

A candidate who games the tax code and doesn't pay his fair share, which almost makes Al Capone look like a petty tax cheat ...

A candidate whose sizable charitable contributions appear to be both self-serving and "mandatory" ...

Someone who supported the Vietnam War and the Vietnam draft but found other things to do during the war ...

A candidate whose personal and family history says more about selfishness and cowardice than service and patriotism...

A candidate and a running mate who have no problem staging events (including the purchase of $5,000 in aid props) in the hopes of getting people to believe they care ...

                                           Romney accepting "donated" foodstuffs that his campaign purchased.

                                            Paul Ryan washing dishes that were already washed.

A candidate whose spiritual "hometown" newspaper has chosen not to endorse him ...

A candidate who owns homes in four states, claims homie status in two (Massachusetts and Michigan), and was governor in one, but will not win the popular vote in any of those states ... 

A candidate whose vision for America is at odds with genuine leadership because it does not include creating opportunities for the working poor and others who get caught up in life's struggles ...

There's more. But you get the point. 

In addition to having to carry the toxic political water of a movement that derives it's energy from ignorance and rage, Mitt Romney has to carry his own political baggage. Trying to put lipstick on belligerence and selfishness makes Mitt Romney his own worst enemy. 

On November 7th Mitt Romney will not be president-elect.

- Mark 

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