Thursday, October 18, 2012


It never ends. First we're treated to America's tribute to ignorance, Kentucky's Creation Museum. Well, hold on to your cowboy hats. We're seeing another attack on science and reason, only this time it's from Texas.

In the clip below (from Upworthy) we learn that if you live and go to school in Texas you might just learn that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark. Check it out here ...

At least we can now take a guess at what happened to the unicorns. In all likelihood, the dinosaurs ate them.

And if the dinosaurs didn't eat them it's probably because the animals were sorted alphabetically and the tigers got them ("T" does come before "U"). Here's an artists depiction of the unicorns last moments on earth.

I know, I know, this is all pretty silly. But then again, maybe not. Ignorance and stupidity seems to have marbled its way throughout American society.

Consider the following examples, straight from the halls of Congress. It demonstrates that having a seat in Congress is no guarantee that you will understand basic rules of science. Let's start with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), who once asked whether the island of Guam might "tip over" (1:15 into the clip)...

Here's how Rep. Johnson's worst nightmare might actually play out ...

If you think this is bad, think about this. Rep. Todd Akins (R-Missouri) - who sits on the House Committee on Science and Technology - seems to believe that women can choose to reject a pregnancy naturally ("shut that thing down"). But only in cases of legitimate rape, of course. The Daily Show helps us understand this, and other nuances of "modern" science (and history) in America.

At the end of the day, even Japan's Godzilla thinks that this approach to science in America is absurd (hey, if dinosaurs can be on Noah's Ark Godzilla can Facepalm America's ongoing tribute to ignorance) ...

Sigh ...

- Mark

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