Thursday, September 20, 2012


You would think that the Republicans "Just Say No" to President Obama strategy could take a breather when it comes to America's veterans. Think again.

Yesterday Senate Republicans once again used the power of the filibuster (which requires 60 votes to proceed to vote) to reject a bill that would provide money to employ our returning warriors. They would have been employed as police officers, firefighters, and park workers.

The vote was 58-40. Citing bogus budget control technicalities (the cost of the bill was offset with new revenues), every "nay" vote was Republican.

Yes, this is the same party that told America to "Never Forget 9/11" ... but then forgot to fund the health costs of First Responders because it interfered with their tax cuts for millionaires & billionaires program.

This is the same party that debates and encourages conflict and confrontation (now in Iran) ... but then turns a blind eye to how we force our warriors into endless "backdoor drafts" with a stop-loss policy that keeps them in harms way years beyond their tours of duty were scheduled to be over (which I discuss here).

There's much more our veterans and their families have to deal with (record high suicides, mortgage foreclosures, etc.), so you would like to think that the GOP would put away the politics to help our troops get a job.

Think again..

- Mark 

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