Sunday, August 12, 2012


Mitt Romney is in trouble and he knows it. In an attempt to shore up his base Romney has gone to the extreme right and picked Rep. Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential candidate.

Think about it. Paul Ryan does nothing for Romney in the major swing states (Wisconsin will still go to Obama), with women, or with people of color. But worse than this is his long history of playing with numbers and trying to screw over the middle class.

Here's a short list of what Paul Ryan wants to do:

Ryan wants to let tax cuts for America's middle class expire but calls it class warfare when President Obama asks Congress to let tax cuts expire on those making over $1 million per year.  
Ryan pushes the lie that Social Security is going bankrupt (it's not), and then wants to send the money to Wall Street in order to fix it.  
Ryan wants to dismantle Medicare and make it insurance industry friendly with vouchers. In a few words instead of having Medicare pay your medical bills you get a voucher each year. If your voucher doesn't cover the costs you pay the rest.  
Ryan has a long, longlong history of creating magic make believe numbers with the budget. Hell, he even backed the GOP's budget with no numbers plan.

There's more, but you get the point. Ryan is a desperation pick by a desperate man in a desperation campaign.

- Mark 

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